Senin, 23 Maret 2009

I used to love going to the gym. The sounds, the smells, the grunts, the groans. Nothing seemed more inspiring. Then life got in the way. I got busy. Very busy.

Working with my fitness clients and athletes took up a lot of time, and frankly, I wasn’t too thrilled about taking the time to drive to the gym anymore. I do have a life, you know. Then there was the fight for parking not to mention the fact that I had to wait to use the equipment while someone else finished up his or her workout. I didn’t really like the music they played so loud I had to shout over it so my training partner could hear me, and the sales staff was constantly hounding me for referrals.

But I have to tell you about my new favorite place in the world to workout. My home studio. In fact, I like it so much that I recommend that everyone train at home if a gym membership isn’t up your alley. It’s got everything in it that I want, and everything that I need to successfully train. AND get this it didn’t cost me an arm and a leg.

Training at home has been so successful for me and some of my clients, I’ve set up an online facility that will allow me to personal train anyone in their home. You can give it a look at The greatest part about it is you don’t even need equipment if you don’t have any. Bodyweight workouts are phenomenal for conditioning and weight loss. Obviously, if your goals are more specialized, some equipment may be necessary.

Consider this. How much do you have to spend each year for a health club or gym membership? Now add up all the years you’ve gone to the gym and all the years you will go to the gym for the rest of your life. That’s a big chunk of change! When you think about it, it makes total sense to buy your own equipment and do it at home.

There’s no drive to the gym. No waiting. No annoying sales people. You can listen to the music that you want to (or put a TV in the gym for cardio training). Oh, and the best part is that it’s always open. Want to get in a good workout on Christmas day. You can.

Here’s the tricky part. You can’t just go out and buy whatever equipment seems popular on TV or in magazines. Do that and you’ll be unhappy in less than a month. You need a plan to determine what you need in the way of equipment to successfully achieve your fitness goals.

The following 6 points are MUSTS if you want to save time, money, and maximize your success in a minimum of time.

1. Define your personal fitness goals as specifically as you can. For any fitness-related goal there are a number of methods you can use to be successful, but first you have to know where you’re going. Do you want to get stronger? Do you want to build muscles? Lose weight or reduce your body fat? Increase endurance? Reduce stress? Are you preparing for a sport? All the above? Without knowing that you could end up spending more money than you need to on equipment that you’ll never fully utilize. Not to mention you may fail in your attempts to achieve your goals.

2. How much space are you willing to devote to your home gym? If you’ve only got a 5 x 5 space at home, you’re really going to have to be efficient. Don’t expect to fit large pieces of fitness equipment into such a small space. Be realistic. Maybe it’s time to clear out the room you’re using for storage or that corner of the garage that is just wasted space. Maybe you’ve got some space, but you’ll need to make your gym a little more portable so you can store it away when it’s not in use.

3. Familiarize yourself with your options on types and brands of exercise equipment. Find out what you’ll be comfortable with. Would you invest in a house or car without looking at several options or a test drive? Remember, this is an investment in you. There are all types of equipment from treadmills and crosstrainers, to selectorized weight equipment, to barbells and dumbbells. Check out equipment on the Internet or in catalogues. Stop by the exercise equipment retailers and actually see it and even try it out before you even consider buying. Believe me this is time well spent. When the time comes to discuss equipment with the appropriate person, be it a salesperson or a fitness professional, you won’t be completely in the dark when it comes to determining your wants and needs and end up buying something you hate or won’t use.

4. Consult with a fitness professional. Take advantage of a professionals “in the trenches experience” and educational background when it comes to matching your fitness-related goals with selecting the appropriate equipment for you. Again, this saves you time and money by preventing you from wasting money on useless or poorly designed equipment. You may also find that your fitness professional may have relationships with fitness equipment retailers which will allow you to buy your equipment at a discount.

5. Always buy top quality equipment from a reputable retailer. Yes, it costs more money, but as the saying goes, “You get what you pay for”. This is so true when it comes to exercise equipment. Avoid the temptation of trying to save a couple dollars by buying equipment that may not be up to your required standards. Buying top quality equipment will last you a lifetime. If you have any doubt, compare how much you have or could have spent on gym memberships over your lifetime with the cost of your new fitness equipment. I have no doubt that you will always spend less money on your home gym than you ever would by purchasing a lifetime of gym memberships.

6. Utilize local retailers as much as you can. While it may seem logical to save money by purchasing equipment online or via a catalogue, shipping charges on fitness equipment can be outrageous. You end up spending more than if you shopped at your neighborhood retailer. There is also an issue of maintenance. Even the best equipment can experience the occasional breakdown. Try getting a mail-order company to service your equipment. It’s not easy. Your local retailer can usually resolve your problems in no time at all.

There you have it. These recommendations will help you tremendously. Please keep in mind that it’s just not as easy as it seems, but it is worth the extra time especially when you’re making such a serious investment in yourself. That’s why I encourage you to seek the help of a fitness professional.

If you’re sick, you go to the doctor. If you’ve got a tax problem, you see an accountant (or an attorney!). Have a toothache? You’re off to the dentist. Leaky pipes result in a call to the plumber. So why is it that so many people attempt to solve their health and fitness problems without consulting an expert? I don’t know exactly, but I encourage you to make the investment in yourself – in your quality of life – by hiring a qualified professional to educate you and help you get started.

If I can be of any assistance to you, please don’t hesitate to call me. I’m happy to speak with you and give you my recommendations without any sales pressure (I hate it when people try to “sell” me, so I wouldn’t try that on you).

Every buyer wants to know the Consumer Reports treadmill Best Buy. Consumer Reports is perhaps the most respected of consumer product testing organizations due to their independent and nonprofit status and their expert testing. Their consumer report rating treadmills can be found in publication and online at

Consumer Reports grades on an overall score to determine its Best treadmill and also suggests four treadmill Best Buy models that combine good value with quality.

The Best Treadmill For You

With product information, tips on buying, and a discussion on testing results, Consumer Reports most recent treadmill rating in January 2005 tested 22 treadmills from about 16 manufacturers, including Proform, Nordic Track, Weslo, and Image, all Icon Health and Fitness Companies, as well as Landice, True, Precor, Horizon, Life Fitness, Vision Fitness, Schwinn, Smooth Fitness, Keys Fitness, Trimline, Spirit, and Nautilus.

Consumer Reports does not break down its treadmill reports by price range, as is often the case in other organizations' reviews, so their Best treadmill, at almost $3000, is not likely to be the best treadmill for you, but they do suggest four Best Buys, all in the $1300-1800 price range. Ratings are provided for all tested models, however, and that's where you should begin.

A cautionary note: Consumer Reports was disappointed in the number of machines that had problems in this treadmill rating--an ominous change from their last treadmill reports in February 2004. With the exception of higher-priced models with the kind of warranties you should expect, they recommend an extended warranty. That's something they almost never do.

Many people think that creating a home workout gym is either too intimidating or too costly. So, often they instead invest their money in a health club membership not realizing that for the same amount of money (or even less) they can create a very effective gym right in their own home.

For an effective home gym, all that is required is a little bit of planning. Don’t fall into the trap of purchasing random fitness equipment because of fancy advertising for the latest infomercial fad or the great “sale” at your local fitness store. That type of purchasing leads to a house littered with equipment that’s only use is as a clothes hanger or dust collector. This often happens because the equipment is either useless, poorly constructed or quickly loses its value because it doesn’t progress with your fitness level.

To avoid having a basement filled with expensive dust-collecting equipment, keep these points in mind when making a purchase:
1)What are your fitness goals?
2)How often do you realistically think you will use the equipment?
3)What fitness level do you expect to be at in 3, 6, 9 months?
4)Will the equipment meet your needs as you get more fit (at the 3, 6, and 9-month marks)?
5)Does the equipment offer enough variations in use that you can change your workouts frequently to prevent your body from hitting a plateau?
6)Will you enjoy the exercises or will you quickly grow bored of them?
7)And, of course how much can you afford?

Once you have answered all of the above questions then you are ready to make some purchasing decisions. Of course, how much you can afford to spend may dictate what you can actually purchase. Don’t get discouraged. For as little as $100, you can have a very effective total strength training home gym. Even for as little as $35, you can create an effective workout that will tone your entire body.

Regardless of what your fitness goals are, there are a plethora of equipment options to consider. For building muscles and/or toning-up you can choose from free weights, selectorized machines, resistance bands, benches and even no-equipment. For cardiovascular improvements (e.g. running, walking, etc), there are even more options. They range from treadmills, to elliptical trainers, to bikes and beyond. So, answering the previously mentioned questions is very important.

To help make your decision easier, below are several recommendations based on costs and needs, along with benefits of the exercise equipment.

If you want to create a gym that will provide you with a total body workout (cardio, strength and flexibility) and you have a budget of at least $1000, consider the following recommendations:
·Treadmill – The best option for cardiovascular equipment because it can be used for running, walking, and even some leg strength training. Plus, workouts can continually be varied based on speed, incline, even direction. And, it easily progresses as fitness levels improve.
·Full dumbbell set with weights ranging from 5 pounds to 50+ pounds. – Great for light toning, to intermediate strength training to building muscles. Less expensive than selectorized machines and usually provides more flexibility and variety in workouts.
·Fitness Ball – Provides exercise options for toning, strengthening and stretching.
·Resistance Band – Provides another option for strength training. Can alternate use with free weights for a great challenge that will help prevent plateaus.
·Step Bench – Can be used for both cardio workouts and strength training workouts.

If you want a home gym specifically for building muscles (or just can’t afford cardio equipment), and can afford at least $100, consider the following recommendations:
·Dumbbell set.
·Fitness Ball
·Resistance Band
·Jump Rope – Offers very challenging cardiovascular fitness workouts at a very low price.

If you want a total body home gym but can only afford less than $100, consider the following recommendations:
·Three dumbbells sizes (e.g. 5, 10 and 15 pounds)
·Resistance Band
·Jump Rope

If you are limited to purchasing just one very affordable piece of equipment, consider buying a Fitness Ball. As mentioned above, it provides many different exercise options. With the ball you can get an upper body workout, a lower body workout, very challenging abdominal workout and a stretching/flexibility workout. And, you can get all of this for around $35.

Also, don’t underestimate what you can do with things that are already in your house, like stairs, a chair, milk jugs and others. There are a lot of exercises that require no equipment at all. For example, push-ups, tricep dips, squats, calf raises, etc. You can even create your own “weights” through milk jugs filled with water or sand.

As you can see, there are a lot of options available for creating a home gym that will meet your individual needs and will provide a lot of workout variety. Even on a shoestring budget, you can still make a wise purchase that will be invaluable in helping you get more fit and healthy. And, you’ll enjoy all the benefits of working out at home.

What are the benefits of working out at home? Well, here are some highlights:
·No wasted time driving to and from a fitness club
·No waiting in line to use the equipment
·Workout on your schedule, rather than just when the health club is open
·No expensive monthly membership fees or long-term contracts
·Motivation to workout as you pass by the equipment every day

Of course, you will need previous knowledge of how to use your home equipment or you will have to be willing to learn. But, it’s not difficult. Most equipment will come with basic instructions and a few sample exercises. You may want to enlist the help of a professional to provide additional exercise options and guidance that will ensure that you get the most out of your fitness equipment through every fitness level stage.

For an affordable workout plan personalized to your individual needs and available equipment, enroll in a online fitness program.

Hiking along a rocky trail, two of the three friends carefully picked their way from rock to rock. But one leaped from rock to rock, bounding by the others like a gazelle running and leaping from rock to rock. Never missing his footing, the others wondered at his almost supernatural grace and skill. "How does he do that?" they thought.

When most people think of physical fitness, they think of strength and cardiovascular fitness. If they are really thinking about it, they'll add flexibility to the list.

But there's something few people think about when working out, a missing component of physical fitness. You can't get it just by lifting weights or running on a treadmill.

The missing component is agility.

Agility is what let my friend run rings around us, leaping from rock to rock along the Pedernales River in Texas. Agility is what you see in top athletes who make great skill look effortless. Agility is what helps a ballet dancer make it look effortless. Agility is how Jackie Chan can still do martial arts even while he is rolling over tables, bouncing off walls, leaping between the rungs of ladders.

I didn't understand that until years after the hike along the Pedernales River. Now, after doing martial arts for almost 30 years, I understand. When you watch someone who moves with grace and skill, you're seeing agility.

Have you ever had an experience where you felt clumsy?

Have you ever fumbled the ball, or tripped over your own two feet?

Or have you ever seen someone who is in great shape, but they just can't coordinate, they can't move?

The missing component of physical fitness is agility.

If you just do weights or cardio, you're not going to develop agility. If you want agility, you have to move, and you have to adapt on the fly to changing (and often intense) situations.

Some sports and fitness activities promote agility more than others. For me, martial arts gave me agility. I've been dong WingTsun Kung Fu(TM) for 25 years, and martial arts in general for almost 30. I have to be able to adapt to what an opponent is doing quickly and perfectly. I have to seize the advantage, gain and maintain dynamic control. I have to stay balanced and graceful even while moving rapidly and adjusting to the changing dynamics of sparring.

Many other sports really develop agility as well. Basketball, tennis, soccer, hockey, skiing, snowboarding... they all develop and require agility.

If you're not doing something to develop agility, today is a good day to start. You'll be amazed at the difference increased agility will make in feeling physically fit. Before long you'll move with the grace of a cat, you'll bound like a gazelle.

Don't just lift weights and do cardio - get out there and do something to increase your agility as well. Get together with some buddies for basketball. Go play some tennis. Take up martial arts. Agility will give you the ability to actually DO something with all of the physical fitness you've been developing. You will feel better and move better, and you will probably have a lot more fun than just running on a treadmill or lifting weights!

Are You Fit?

Fitness refers to ability of the body to function with vigor and alertness. Nutrition refers to the nurturing of our body, in our ability to keep it healthy and functioning as it is supposed to do. Our ability to provide the body with all the necessary food, vitamins, and minerals so that we continue to thrive in our daily life processes. But do we know if we are really fit? How do we tell?
First, you might want to look at your exercise habits, if there are any. If there aren’t any exercise routines to examine, no fitness. Everyone, no matter what their age, benefits from exercise. It keeps our bodies conditioned, our mental sharpness working at top speed, and thanks to the physical aspect, we get a boost to our cardio health, extra calorie burn, and more oxygen to those cells!

Do you take in more calories than your body needs? Are you supplementing your vitamins and minerals to make sure you are getting your recommended daily allowances? If you’re not making the most basic of efforts to take care of your nutritional needs, you aren’t a fit individual. You may not look sick, you may not have any noticeable symptoms of ill-health, but you’re not the fit and toned individual you could be.

What about the stress levels in your life? Do work in an environment with high levels of stress? Is your personal life a source of comfort or does it add to your stress levels? Do you engage in some form of stress-relieving activity? Stress is the number on contributor to heart attacks and strokes, since they manage to speed up the affect of the real culprits. Stress is basically an out of control situation for most adults today. We manage to schedule every moment of our free time, and leave ourselves with no time for quiet reflection, or time to deal with life’s unexpected emergencies.

Fitness requires us to examine more than just our exercise routine. The mere definition of fitness refers to the body’s ability to meet physical stresses. That includes coping with our day to day life, getting from the beginning of the day to the end, without being worn completely out. In order to be truly fit, we find ways to rid ourselves of built up stress, the kind that begins to affect our muscles, muscle tone, and composition. Massages are the best cure for ridding our bodies of the stress buildup that can occur, even with exercise regimens and detract from our overall fitness.

Exercises that demand total body involvement are the best for maintaining and improving your level of fitness most effectively. Running, swimming, jogging, dancing, cycling, and very brisk walking are some of the more popular total body involvement exercises.
There are so many occasions to stop and question our efforts at maintaining optimal health, that we usually don’t even take the time to begin the examination. But it is beneficial to our overall health, the quality and quantity of our life, to make every effort to be fit, healthy, individuals.

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Five Ways to Fit Fitness Into Your Life

©Rick DeToma

Everyone is pressed for time these days. It does not have to mean that fitness can't be a part of your life. In as little as 10 minutes a day, you can begin to make positive changes to your body.

People often have an all or nothing idea about exercise. They feel that if they can't fit in an hour of exercise that they will do nothing instead.

Successful exercisers make fitness an important part of their lives. Try scheduling your time to exercise like you would any other appointment.

If you are struggling to fit exercise into your day, try these fitness tips:

1. Tackle one body part per day and perform as many reps as it takes to reach failure. Or set a rep goal for yourself and do as many sets as it takes to reach your goal.

2. Exercise while you watch TV. (Don't just sit there, DO something.) Why not do some crunches, or leg extensions while watching the tube? How about some lunges? Anything yo can do in a gym sitting down, you can do at home sitting down in front of the tube.

3. Superset your workouts. Put two exercises together and perform them one after another with no rest in between. You can either do a mixed superset of an upper and lower move combined, or you can choose two opposing muscle groups like chest and back.

4. Combine 2 moves into 1. Any time you perform a lower body exercise and your arms are not involved you miss out on a time-saving opportunity.

Try performing a lunge with a curl, or lateral raise. Or a squat with on overhead press.

You could create an entire workout around this concept and divide up your body parts and exercises so that you keeps things fresh.

5. Circuit training. Select a number of exercises for your entire body and perform them as a circuit with little or no rest in between. Repeat as time allows for 2-3 circuits.

People will always find excuses to not exercise. These tips show you how to fit exercise into the busiest of schedules and get the benefits of regular exercise.

It's not about finding the time to exercise, it's about MAKING the time to exercise. No matter how busy you are. It's always better to do something than nothing.

The information contained in this article is strictly for informational purposes and is not intended to provide medical advice. If you are sedentary or over 40 please get clearance from a doctor before starting an exercise program.

If your family just decided to go on a cruise or may be spend sometime alone with each other.

Are you worried, about missing your daily workout routine?
Vacations should be fun and fun can be increased if you keep yourself Fighting Fit.

Pre-vacation planning can help you and your family to stick to healthy lifestyle activities and enjoy their time off. Encourage them to research the following while making their plans to have a Fitness Vacation.

~ Is there an exercise area and swimming pool?

~ What additional recreational activities are available? - biking trails, inline skating, parks, walking/jogging paths.

~ Is there a fitness facility (YMCA, etc) nearby that services the hotel guests?

~ What kind of exercise clothes and accessories for planned exercise activities will be needed?

Plan at least 30 minutes 3-4 times a week for exercise (some of my routines take even less than 20 minutes). If driving long distances is part of the vacation - walk briskly for a few minutes at each rest stop. Walk briskly through the terminal during long layovers in your Fitness Vacation.

* Rubber resistance bands or tubing for strength training during your Fitness Vacation.
* Jump rope for cardiovascular exercise.
* Pushups, squats/lunges, abdominal exercises can be done without equipment.
* Stretch daily.

Sit down with your family/friends brainstorm for ways to include fitness in their vacations. Do a "practice" vacation workout with them before they leave on their Fitness Vacation.

Write their workout on a log and encourage them to use it. Remember you can always use hotel/motel stuff to work out like box jumps on bed (jump off the floor on bed and jump down again etc) on the Fitness Vacation.

Physical exercise is something that you need to do on a regular basis. If you’re looking for examples of great fitness exercises to try out, you’ll find them on our site.

A regular exercise program of either running, walking, cycling, swimming, aerobics or any other physical exercise helps to improve the efficiency of the human body in many ways. A healthy exercise regimen can help strengthen the body physically, as well as make you more confident and help you avoid some future illnesses.

Exercise keeps your bones and joints in line and strong, so the benefits aren’t purely superficial. It also acts to strengthen your cardiovascular system, to help keep your heart healthy. A few great fitness exercises used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle and healthy diet can help you live longer and better.

A general feeling of improved well-being can be found through light exercises, so there is no need to overdo things. Light walking is probably the easiest fitness exercise there is; yet this doesn’t mean it isn’t a great fitness exercise. It helps blow the cobwebs away and can improve the heart, lower blood pressure and improve physique. All of these things help keep you healthy, active and measurably improve your lifestyle.

Great fitness exercises can include the use of weights, a fitness ball, exercise machines or just you and your muscles.

Combining physical exercise with nutritional supplements can vastly improve all of your physical and mental attributes and decrease the possibility of illness and damage, especially related to muscles, bones, blood, and even the heart. Exercising also helps release hormones throughout your body and the adrenalin that physical exertion releases can improve mental health. So you see, great fitness exercises improve your general well-being in addition to your physique.

How to stay fit at home

Sound health and excellent fitness is recently gaining primary concern for people from every walk of life. As fitness becomes a major issue for everyone it is not possible for all to manage time daily to visit local gyms. With urbanization being prevalent in entire communities’ access to big jogging grounds in near locality might only be a dream. Yet a desire to exercise and find ways to attain, in shape fit bodies is existent widely.

Home fitness equipments offer best alternative to costly gyms sessions and rare public parks. Among the numerous benefits offered by home fitness machines is the availability of equipment at any time of day that suits you. One does not need to follow difficult timings of the instructor in the fitness center. An in house facility enables one to practice fitness sessions without hampering their job responsibilities. Public fitness studios regularly charge expensive memberships even if a person is not attending the sports club he is supposed to pay his membership fees in due time. Personal fitness equipments are only a one time expense they do not require any recurring expenditure they are free to use at anytime of the day and also till any time span desired by its owner. Occasional lengthy workout sessions would be costly due to extra time involved but machines at home are forever available. Equipments at home are also a pride for its owner and the owner can boost in front of guests by occasionally allowing them to utilize exercising machines.

Treadmills are the most popular among home exercise devices as it appeals equally to both young and elderly. One can practice regular walking or jogging routines on a treadmill even if the weather is bad outside. The equipment comes with various motorized setting that would be suitable for everyone. Latest machines have a body fat monitor enabling people to actually monitor their progress. A strap to measure heart rate comes free and handy with the device that is a convenient source to professional evaluate ones present heart rate. Surveys conducted reveal that treadmills sales are the fastest growing commodity among fitness equipments in U.S.

Elliptical trainers are popular home based exercise equipments. It gives a perfect gym feel and comes with sophisticated computers that provide different programs heart rate control and fitness tests. It provides a perfect alternative to health clubs when managing time to reach there is difficult and results in irregular fitness sessions. Getting on an elliptical trainer within ones house is easier than driving all way towards health centers. Pedals on the machine are adjustable so that different users in house ranging from children to elders all are equally comfortable on it.

Exercise bikes are a favorite among adults and children alike. It gives a unique experience like exercising outdoor. Computers installed in the machine accurately inform about the present rate of exercising. Also the comfortable seat along with dual action handles of the cycle ensures maximum comfort to person using it.

Rowing machines are unique in a sense that they provide exercise option for both lower and upper part of the body. Its adjustable settings make it convenient to exercise as hard or as easy according to ones will. Even this allows monitoring progress of the person while exercising.

Shopping around for medical insurance can be a confusing business. You need to keep your wits about you and keep track of the benefits and costs of each policy and each type of policy. Too often we tend to look at the price first and the rest of the policy becomes a blur of fine print. And we're off to check the next policy.

Slow down. There some important things you should do before you start chasing around to get a policy. Doing these few things will make the whole process simpler and clearer - and you're much more likely to make a good decision.

You need to carefully consider your situation. Think about these questions and note your answers:

What's the general state of your health?

How old are you?

Do you have any serious medical problems currently or in your medical history?

Do you have any history of recurring or on-going medical needs?

Do you use tobacco? How much?

Do you drink? How much?

Are you over- or under-weight for your height, body-type and age?

Is your job hazardous?

Do you participate in any activities or sports that could affect your health?

Now this may be unpleasant but if there's any chance an insurance company could discover a history of drug or alcohol abuse or sexual behavior that might put you in a high risk group, you may want to be direct and upfront about it - especially if it's in the past. Having a claim denied later because you had failed to disclose medical information to the insurance company would be far more upsetting - and very expensive. The same goes for any significant medical condition. Insurance companies are in it to make a profit - at least most of them are. Paying large claims isn't their favorite activity, so they often do investigate.

If you're seeking a family policy you'll need to make the same analysis for everyone and consider carefully what kind of coverage you want.

Do you need dental, orthodontic, pregnancy, mental health, and/or drug coverage? Do you need long-term care coverage, either inpatient or in a nursing facility? Assisted living coverage? What about traveler's or international coverage?

If there's a possibility that you may require - or want - in-home care as opposed to a residential nursing or assisted living facility, be sure that coverage is included and be sure you understand exactly what you can expect to receive.

Think about deductibles and what you could afford pay to reduce your insurance costs. But be very careful here, because medical expenses tend to pile up quickly and reach nearly insane levels for complex treatments or inpatient stays. Many drugs in common use are ridiculously over-priced and depending on the specifics of your insurance you may not be able to use the least expensive sources.

If you will end up with multiple sources of coverage, be clear about how they fit together and what the rules are about overlapping or combined benefits.

Once you are clear on your current situation, your (and other family member's) medical history, and your projected needs, you can begin looking in a organized way with a better sense of where you're going and what will actually meet your needs. This may seem like a tedious process, but it will serve you well in finding appropriate and affordable health insurance and making sure your health care needs can be met by the medical insurance you choose.

Take some time to work through these questions. Write down your answers. Make a chart with your desired coverages and any special conditions the policy must meet. As you look at health insurance policies, note the rules, exclusions, information about pre-existing conditions, any limitations, the dollar amounts covered and especially any deductibles.

Don't try to do too much at once. If you hurry, it'll become confusing and tiring. You may hate it (I know I do), but you really do need to read all that fine print and understand it. That's not a task to rush through. You might as well face up to it, because it's a lot better to do it BEFORE you need medical services than after you get a bill for the uncovered portion that sends you into shock.

So is it an impossible job to find health insurance that works for you? Not at all. There's a world of resources on the internet to help you find the policy you need. Just be sure to do your homework first.